Manufacturers of Quality Plastic Tubes and Containers

To better serve the needs of our customers, you will now find both our Cleartec Packaging and Beckett Packaging for cutting tools on one website. This will allow for full integration and a more effective means of searching for both types of our packaging products.
As always, you may request Request Samples of our product before you place your order, so you can verify that the items you order will work as expected for your particular application.
If you have any other questions, you may Contact Cleartec/Beckett Packaging by email, phone or through our online chat system (Available during regular business hours, M-F 8.30am - 5pm (4:30 pm on Friday) BST).

Our Heavy Wall clear plastic tubes and Thin Wall clear plastic tubes are an ideal way to house a wide variety of consumer and industrial products, whilst our Sealed Bottom clear plastic tubes and retail-ready Hanging Tubes are excellent for many types of POP and display-friendly packaging.
Other uses include our unique clear plastic Mailing Tubes, part feeder tubes or even component parts. With a wide range of clear plastic tubes, Cleartec is the perfect solution to all your packaging needs.
Beckett Packaging manufactures many styles and sizes of Telescopic Tubes as well as a large variety of Boxes, Cases and Pak Containers for standard or specialised packaging applications.
From blow-moulded poly vinyl chloride, high-density polyethylene and polypropylene plastics to injection-moulded high-density polyethylene and polypropylene plastics, Beckett Packaging manufacturers the Low Cost, High Quality products to satisfy your requirements. Use a Beckett Packaging item to protect your product during shipping, storage, for presentation purposes or for retail sale.
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